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Brunswick Studio – London Studio Space To Hire | Film | Photography | Production | Advertising | TV & Features | | 2015 | June

2015 June

Afternoon bubble bath in Brunswick – of course!

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Now we can hear what you’re saying and have taken your suggestions on board, “I understand we can film beauty products, BBQs, fashion shows, wedding receptions, Wimbledon MADNESS at Brunswick Studios, what I’d really like to know is would it be possible to take a cheeky Friday afternoon bath in the Studio? It’s all I’ve ever wanted” Why yes humble followers, yes you can.

Disney decided to take the first dip and used the green screen to its full advantage filming for a new series on Disney Jr. later this year. Sadly the water was fairly scarce and the bubbles were few but we can’t wait to see the finished product…

2015-05-29 13.28.51


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